

Kiran believes in the power of story as a means to touch people, to engage, educate and entertain. Oral Storytelling enables the teller to connect with the audience and for the audience to connect to the teller, the story and oneself. Kiran believes that folktales in particular have the collective wisdom of generations before us and are even more relevant in today’s changing world.

In addition, Kiran believes folktales from different lands have a universality that speaks to all and unites us as human beings. Kiran stumbled into storytelling quite by accident in 1998 after being exposed to American Storyteller Cathy Spagnoli in Singapore. So captivated was she that she got a storytelling course going in 1999 and she’s not looked back!

She tells all her audiences she’s got the best job in the whole world! Kiran loves travelling, growing herbs and vegetables and watching the birds and other life in her garden in the Blue Mountains of Australia.


Kiran Shah has had a varied career as a social worker, Montessori Directress, early childhood trainer and bookseller before she became a professional storyteller in 1999.  She holds a BA (in Social Work and Sociology) and an MSc (in Early Childhood Education and Child Development). She has lived and worked with children and their families in the United States, Japan and Sri Lanka.  She has been very involved in training early childhood educators in Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, India  and Malaysia in language, literacy and storytelling.

Professional Experience

Kiran was the founding president of The Storytelling Association, Singapore (2006). She continues this strong connection by participating in their online 389.2 Storytelling Festival every year.

She moved to Australia in 2008 and joined The Storytelling Guild Of Australia, NSW. She has served as its online newsletter editor, held positions as the Secretary and Vice President of the Guild and was the co-convenor of the Sydney International Storytelling Festival in 2023. She continues her support to the Guild as a co-host for The Blue Mountains Story Circle which meets monthly online.

Kiran is also a professional member of the Federation of Asian Storytellers (FEAST). She has been heavily involved with FEAST as a mentor for adult storytellers from around the world since 2021. In 2003, she was a team member conducting FEAST’S foundation of oral storytelling course. She has just joined FEAST as a director in December 2024.

In 2023, Kiran became a facilitator for Together For Humanity, an inclusive, not-for-profit educational organisation that works with school communities to combat prejudice and advance belonging and inclusion.

Storytelling Performances

Kiran started out performing for pre-schoolers and primary school aged children in Singapore before moving on to telling to teenagers and adults, choosing stories to suit each audience with care. She prefers performing to smaller intimate audiences but has also told to audiences of over a thousand. She has told in child care centres, schools, libraries, art galleries museums, parks and shopping centres. Among her more unusual venues have been Changi International Airport and Changi Prison in Singapore as well as on trains in Singapore and Sydney. 

Kiran has also been commissioned to tell stories related to special exhibits in art galleries in Sydney (AGNSW) and Canberra (NGA) as well as cater to specific themes (Lunar New Year, Harmony Day, Seniors' Week, Book Week etc).

Kiran has performed in various festivals, conferences and gatherings in Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Scotland, Iran and South Korea.

In her current home in Australia since early 2008, Kiran has participated in festivals, performed at Art Galleries in NSW and Canberra, the Botanic Gardens, in schools, at libraries, for migrant communities, and adult audiences for Generation Women Australia and The Story Room.

She will be performing at the National Folk Festival in Canberra in April 2025.



Kiran has conducted storytelling workshops for students, teachers, parents, museum guides, oil executives and military personnel. Workshops last from 2 hours to all day ones depending on what is needed.

Her introductory courses have been conducted in Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and India.

Australian Book Distributor for Tulika Publishers, Chennai, India

Kiran has continued her long association (started in 1999) with this publisher of quality children's picture books in English and bilingual titles (English and other Indian Languages). Check out their website: www.tulikabooks.com