Storytelling Highlights

Family Fun Day, July 2022

Kiran participated in a multi-lingual storytelling festival organised by AKT Creations on 24 July 2022.

Family Fun Day, June 2022

Kiran storytelling for Family Fun Day at a community centre in Constitution Hill on 14 July 2022.

Fireflies Multilingual Storytelling Festival 2022

Kiran performing a tandem with storyteller from India Jeeva Raghunath at Wollongong Town Hall
as part of the Fireflies Multilingual Storytelling Festival 2022.

What is the hue and cry?

A couple fighting over rotis! A hilarious traditional folktale from India.

Storytelling Events Australia - 2021

Adult Storytelling Session

Kiran told a story on the theme Mistakes, Mishaps, Mischief on June 1st to 100 adults at the Hotel Steyne in Manly.

Workshops for Seniors

Kiran was invited by Lithgow Council to facilitate a series of workshops for seniors  to identify,  craft and share their personal stories on the 15th, 22nd and 29th April.

This culminated in a performance at an open-mic session on the 29th at a café. 

Storytelling for Children of Migrant Families

It has been a while since Kiran told the story "Brown Bear, Brown bear, what do you see?" . Each child got a turn to pull out an animal from the pocket so the story didn't follow the order in the book. Highlight came when a girl of African heritage pulled out a figure and her older brother yelled out spontaneously with big eyes and delight, "That's my boy!"

An unforgettable session on March 22, 2021.

Storytelling at the Hawkesbury Library

March 20, 2021 is a day Kiran will not forget. The state premier had warned residents to stay at home due to the heavy rains. Expecting 15 registered children for the event, none of them turned up which was reasonable due to the deteriorating weather conditions. However, two children were present there at the library, and one of them, James, stayed right till the end.

Storytelling at the Blue Mountains Steiner School.

Kiran welcomed the year of the OX with the little ones on February 17, 2021.

Kiran Collage.png

Storytelling Events Australia - 2020

Storytelling at the Merrylands Community Centre, Sydney.

Storytelling on December 14, 2020. Oh yes, Christmas stories were shared.

Storytelling in Westmead, Sydney.

Storytelling in the outdoors. What a beautiful day on 7th December , 2020.

Storytelling in Paramatta, Sydney - For an NGO in Telopea

Storytelling in person, after the pandemic lockdown for an NGO in Telopea on October 29, 2020.

Southern Skies Storytelling Festival 2020 - Cheapest Coconuts

Watch Kiran tell the story, Cheapest Coconut - a Gujarati Tale.

Generation Women

Kiran had her first live performance on Thursday July 23rd ( Caronavirus restrictions were relaxed at this time) at the Beresford Hotel in Surry Hills, Sydney. Kiran performed with women from their 20’s to 70’s.

Photo credits: Tenikomo

Storytelling Events Australia - 2019

North Parramatta, Sydney

Kiran with a group of children and their mums at North Parramatta on Thursday 24th October 2019.

Generation Women, Sydney

Kiran relaxing at the Giant Dwarf Theatre in Redfern on March 28, before sharing a personal story on the theme, Nevertheless, she persisted…to an audience of 140, organised by Generation Women, Sydney. 5 other women in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 70’s shared their stories of persistence and triumph.

Harmony Day Celebration in 3 Libraries

Colours featured prominently in these storytelling performances. Found this perfect book, Mixed by Arree Chung and made cellophane cutouts and retold the story. Then retold another story using flowers from my garden!

World Storytelling Day - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydeny

Kiran celebrated World Storytelling Day under the shade of an old tree on a warm autumn day. With other tellers, she told stories to attentive audiences from 10- 1 pm.

Storytelling at Nom Bulk Foods, East Blaxland

Kiran with her special storytelling apron.

Storytelling at Nom Bulk Foods, East Blaxland

Waiting for storytelling to begin. A delightful afternoon with keen listeners, young and old.


Storytelling Events Australia - 2018

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Storytelling for preschoolers in Penrith, New South Wales on 19 September 2018.

Blue Mountains Steiner School

On Friday 29 June, Kiran was at the Blue Mountains Steiner School telling the epic The Ramayana to the upper grades with the help of these stick puppets from India

Friend in Hand Pub

Tasting sweet berries while telling an ancient Chinese tale to adults at the Friend in Hand pub in Glebe, Sydney on a winter Sunday afternoon in June.

World Storytelling Day

Kiran had a lovely time at the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney in March telling with fellow tellers Jo Henwood, Jill Webster and visiting from India, Veena Seethepalli to a small but captive audience who mostly stayed for the entire 3 hours!

The Ramayana

Kiran collaborated with other tellers for a year before their first performance in Gosford last year. The entire group of six tellers had their debut performance in Sydney in February 2018 in the first  bi-monthly calendar event of the year  (Web Told Live) organised by The Australian Storytelling Guild, NSW.

Storytelling Events Australia - 2017


Children's Week 2017

  Kiran spun some wonderful tales at the  Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney.